高速炉の直管型2重管蒸気発生器管板の熱応力評価,1; 熱応力発生機構
Thermal stress evaluation of tubesheet structures for double-wall-tube steam generators of FBRs, 1; Study of stress inducement mechanism
笠原 直人; 高正 英樹*; 安藤 勝訓 
Kasahara, Naoto; Takasho, Hideki*; Ando, Masanori
Tubesheet structures utilized in heat exchangers have complex perforated portions. For design analysis of these structures, axi-symmetric models with equivalent materials of perforated plate are conventionally adopted to simplify perforated portions. Double wall steam generators expected for commercial FBRs require new type of tubesheets, where conventional design methods are not applicable. Therefore, JAEA started research programs to develop a design by analysis method of these structures. This paper reports on the mechanism of thermal stress developments in new tubesheets with an associated paper.