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 年 ~ 

ITER vacuum vessel, in-vessel components and plasma facing materials


伊尾木 公裕*; Barabash, V.*; Cordier, J.*; 榎枝 幹男; Federici, G.*; Kim, B. C.*; Mazul, I.*; Merola, M.*; 森本 将明*; 中平 昌隆*; Pick, M.*; Rozov, V.*; 嶋田 道也*; 鈴木 哲; Ulrickson, M.*; Utin, Y.*; Wang, X.*; Wu, S.*; Yu, J.*

Ioki, Kimihiro*; Barabash, V.*; Cordier, J.*; Enoeda, Mikio; Federici, G.*; Kim, B. C.*; Mazul, I.*; Merola, M.*; Morimoto, Masaaki*; Nakahira, Masataka*; Pick, M.*; Rozov, V.*; Shimada, Michiya*; Suzuki, Satoshi; Ulrickson, M.*; Utin, Y.*; Wang, X.*; Wu, S.*; Yu, J.*


This paper presents recent results of ITER activities on Vacuum Vessel (VV), blanket, limiter, and divertor. Major results can be summarized as follows. (1) The VV design is being developed in more details considering manufacturing and assembly methods, and cost. Incorporating manufacturing studies being performed in cooperation with parties, the regular VV sector design has been nearly finalized. (2) The procurement allocation of blanket modules among 6 parties was fixed and the blanket module design has progressed in cooperation with parties. Fabrication of mock-ups for prequalification testing is under way and the tests will be performed in 2007-2008. (3) The divertor activities have progressed with the aim of launching the procurement according to the ITER project schedule.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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