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Report No.

Evaluation of the cell voltage of electrolytic HI concentration for thermochemical water-splitting iodine-sulfur process

Tanaka, Nobuyuki ; Yoshida, Mitsunori; Okuda, Hiroyuki; Sato, Hiroyuki  ; Kubo, Shinji  ; Onuki, Kaoru

Breakdown of the cell voltage in the electro-electrodialysis process for concentrating HIx solution (HI-H$$_{2}$$O-I$$_{2}$$ mixture) was preliminarily examined in an effort to clarify the optimal operation condition as well as to optimize the cell design for the application to the thermochemical water-splitting IS process for large-scale hydrogen production. Basic data such as electric resistance of HIx solution, overvoltage of the iodine-iodide ion redox reaction at graphite electrode, and the membrane voltage drop, were measured using HIx solution with composition of interest. Also, a methodology for estimating the cell voltage was discussed. The calculated cell voltage agreed well with the experimental one indicating the validity of the procedure adopted.



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