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Report No.

Completion of J-PARC 1 MW pulsed spallation neutron source facility, 4; Remote handling facility for target

Kinoshita, Hidetaka   ; Aizawa, Hideyuki; Kawasaki, Susumu; Ueda, Kazuaki; Takagiwa, Katsunori; Ito, Manabu; Kaminaga, Masanori  ; Kato, Takashi

Construction of J-PARC pulsed spallation neutron source was completed. Main components of the spallation neutron source, as the mercury target container, reflector, moderators, proton beam window and etc, are damaged by irradiation of proton and/or neutron. Therefore, each component has to be replaced periodically. All these components must be replaced by remote handling, because of the high activation by proton beam and neutron irradiation. Remote handling facility for the neutron source components consists of handling device for the targetas the power manipulator, the target replacement truck for the target container replacement and other facilities for maintenance or replacement work, and the storage facility for cool down of the radioactivity in spent components including some kinds of rack for temporary storage and the cutting device for reducing volume. In this presentaion, it is repoted that the design and testresult of remote handling facility.



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