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Report No.

Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory project program for fiscal year 2006

Nishio, Kazuhisa; Mizuno, Takashi   ; Oyama, Takuya ; Nakama, Shigeo ; Saegusa, Hiromitsu; Takeuchi, Ryuji  ; Amano, Kenji  ; Tsuruta, Tadahiko  ; Hama, Katsuhiro ; Iyatomi, Yosuke ; Mikake, Shinichiro ; Kuroda, Hidetaka; Sato, Toshinori  ; Ogata, Nobuhisa ; Semba, Takeshi ; Uchida, Masahiro; Yamamoto, Masaru; Sugihara, Kozo; Sakamaki, Masanori

Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) at Tono Geoscience Center (TGC) is developing a geoscientific research project named Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU) in crystalline rock environment in order to establish scientific and technological basis for geological disposal of HLW. Geoscientific research at MIU is planned to be carried out in three Phases over a period of 20 years; Surface-based Investigation Phase (Phase 1), Construction Phase (Phase 2) and Operation Phase (Phase 3). Currently, the Project is under the Construction Phase. This document presents the following 2006 fiscal year plan of the Construction Phase based on the MIU Master Plan updated in 2002, (1)Investigation Plan at the MIU Construction Site, (2)Construction Plan at the MIU Construction Site, (3)Research Collaboration Plan.



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