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Evaluation on lifetime of microbubble in mercury

直江 崇   ; 長谷川 勝一   ; Ahmed, B.*; 二川 正敏  

Naoe, Takashi; Hasegawa, Shoichi; Ahmed, B.*; Futakawa, Masatoshi


Cavitation damage, which is induced by pressure waves in mercury, is viewed as one of the critical issues to satisfy high power spallation neutron source. Microbubble injection into the mercury is under study to improve mitigation of the pressure waves. In general, microbubble dissolves in liquid swiftly, therefore, it is important to estimate its lifetime to determine the injection position and bubble distribution. However, data for the lifetime estimation in mercury are insufficient. In this study, since mercury is an opaque liquid, helium microbubbles in contact with an acrylic wall were observed and their lifetimes were measured. Based on the observed bubbles, actual lifetime of bubbles suspended in the liquid was estimated. It was found that lifetime of microbubbles in mercury is longer than in water.



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