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Report No.

Progress in development of intense materials against radiation and beam impact, 5; Rapid cooling test of HIPed Ta-cladded W target

Takenaka, Nobuyuki*; Kikuchi, Kenji; Kiyanagi, Yoshiaki*; Kawai, Masayoshi*; Li, J.-F.*; Igarashi, Tadashi*

Ta-cladded W is manufactured by HIP method for a proto type solid target in intensified high-energy proton targetary. We have carried the thermal shock test of the target model under the rapid cooling conditions by changing temperatures of target itself and cooling water. At a time of loss of coolant a targetary will be heated by decay heat over kW. Then technical issue is how to recover cooling water without giving damage joint layer between Ta and W. It is confirmed that targetary has no damage if it will be cooled below heated up to 500$$^{circ}$$C.



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