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Report No.

Development of uranium crystallization system in "NEXT" reprocessing process

Oyama, Koichi ; Nomura, Kazunori  ; Washiya, Tadahiro ; Tayama, Toshimitsu; Yano, Kimihiko ; Shibata, Atsuhiro  ; Komaki, Jun; Chikazawa, Takahiro*; Kikuchi, Toshiaki*

Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has been developing the crystallization process technology in cooperation with Mitsubishi Materials Corporation, Saitama University and Waseda University. We have carried out experimental studies with uranium, MOX and spent fuel dissolved solution, and flowsheet analysis was researched. Crystal refinement study has been started to get more purified crystal. In association with these studies, an innovative continuous crystallizer and its system was developed to ensure high process performance. From the design study, an annular type continuous crystallizer was selected as the most promising design, and performance was confirmed by small-scale test and engineering scale demonstration at uranium crystallization conditions. In this paper, the research and development of crystallization process are described.



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