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 年 ~ 

Calorimetric measurements of nuclear fuel material at high temperature


菅原 透*; 遠藤 聡*; 石井 芳一*; 森本 恭一 

Sugawara, Toru*; Endo, Satoshi*; Ishii, Yoshikazu*; Morimoto, Kyoichi


Calorimetry for nuclear fuel materials at high temperature is essential to evaluate irradiation behavior, heat transfer and phase equilibria of fuel pellets. In the cases of metallurgical and ceramic engineering, the important temperature range is below about 1800 K. On the other hand, fuel center temperature is over 2000 K in an operating nuclear reactor, and heat capacity of UO$$_{2}$$ shows comprehensive temperature dependence at high temperature such as anomalous increase at about 1900 K or more and Bredig transition at 2670 K. Experimental techniques of calorimetry for high temperature samples are reviewed and a calorimeter for nuclear fuel materials that we developed is described.



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