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Report No.

Compatibility between Be-V alloy and F82H steel

Tsuchiya, Kunihiko ; Namekawa, Yoji; Ishida, Takuya

Beryllium alloys such as Be-Ti and Be-V have been expected as promising candidates for advanced neutron multipliers of DEMO blankets from viewpoints of high melting point, high beryllium content, low radio activation, good chemical stability. In this study, the compatibility between Be-V alloy and F82H was investigated. The Be-7at%V specimens that includes $$alpha$$Be and Be$$_{12}$$V phases were tested. From the XRD analysis of the specimens after annealing of the Be-V alloy in contact with F82H, reaction products such as BeNi and Be$$_{2}$$Fe were observed on the surface of F82H. The thickness of reaction layer between Be-V alloy and F82H was about 10$$mu$$m. Thus, it has been clarified that compatibility between Be-V alloy and F82H is better than that between Be and F82H.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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