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 年 ~ 

深地層の研究施設計画; 第1段階成果の概要

Research and development in Mizunami and Horonobe Underground Research Laboratories; Outline of results during surface-based investigation phase

内田 雅大; 畑中 耕一郎

Uchida, Masahiro; Hatanaka, Koichiro


The surface-based investigations in Mizunami and Horonobe Underground Research Laboratories are completed and the results are compiled in a series of reports in March, 2007. The Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory in Mizunami city of Gifu Prefecture targets fractured crystalline rock, whereas the Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory targets the porous Tertiary sedimentary rocks. The report aims to provide the technical basis for the surface-based investigation during preliminary investigations and the detailed investigations by implementing body as well as safety regulations. The presenation summarizes the outline of the series of reports on the surafce-based investigations.



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