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Report No.

Research and development of HTGR fuel and material

Sawa, Kazuhiro

The high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR), which is graphite-moderated and helium-cooled, is attractive due to its unique capability of producing high temperature helium gas and its fully inherent reactor safety. In particular, hydrogen production using the nuclear heat from HTGR offers one of the most promising technological solutions to curb the rising level of CO$$_{2}$$ emission. In the field of fuels and materials for HTGR, the JAEA precedes the several important research and developments. For upgrading of HTGR technologies, the JAEA has developed an extended burnup TRISO-coated fuel particle and ZrC coated particles. The JAEA also proceeds development of new graphite, C/C composite material. In parallel, in order to extend in-core life of the core components, the JAEA started to develop non-destructive evaluation method of irradiation damage by ultrasonic wave propagation and micro-indentation. This test introduces the present status of research and development for HTGR fuels and materials.



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