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 年 ~ 

Present status of dynamic transport code, TASK/TX


本多 充; 滝塚 知典; 福山 淳*; 小関 隆久

Honda, Mitsuru; Takizuka, Tomonori; Fukuyama, Atsushi*; Ozeki, Takahisa


One-dimensional transport code, TASK/TX, has been developed which can analyze the plasma rotation and the radial electric field self-consistently. The TASK/TX code solves the two-fluid equations in the quasi-toroidal coordinates coupled with Maxwell's equation, beam-ion slowing down equation and neutral diffusion equation by using the finite element method with a linear interpolation function. It is observed in JT-60U that due to the fast beam ion loss induced by the toroidal field ripple the plasma rotates in the counter direction near the peripheral even when the neutral beam is injected in the co direction. Numerical simulations including a ripple loss model have been done and the profiles observed in JT-60U are well reproduced. It is found by simulations that the ion toroidal flow profile is determined by not the direct loss of ripple trapped ions, but their transport.



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