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Report No.

Evolution of the heavy fermion state in Ce$$_2$$IrIn$$_8$$

Heffner, R. H.; Morris, G. D.*; Bauer, E. D.*; Sarrao, J. L.*; Thompson, J. D.*; MacLaughlin, D. E.*; Shu, L.*

We report $$mu$$SR Knight shift and susceptibility studies for 1 T applied field along the crystalline $$c$$- and $$a$$-axes of the heavy fermion compound Ce$$_2$$IrIn$$_8$$. Below a characteristic temperature $$T^*$$ one observes a "Knight shift anomaly" in which the Knight shift constant $$K$$ no longer scales linearly with $$chi$$. This anomaly is consistent with a scaling law in which the susceptibility $$chi$$ is composed of a high-temperature component corresponding to non-interacting local moments and a low-temperature component $$chi_{cf} sim (1-T/T^*)ln (T^*/T)$$ which characterizes the heavy-electron state below $$T^*$$. We find that $$T^*$$ is anisotropic, with $$T^*_a=59(3)$$ K and $$T^*_c=24(1)$$ K, and derive the magnitudes of $$chi_{cf}^{a,c}$$.



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Category:Physics, Condensed Matter



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