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Report No.

Spin freezing and non-glassy dynamics in Ce$$_{0.2}$$La$$_{0.8}$$RhIn$$_5$$

MacLaughlin, D. E.*; Shu, L.*; Anderson, J. E.*; Heffner, R. H.; Morris, G. D.*; Bernal, O. O.*; Kim, J. S.*; Stewart, G. R.*

Zero-field muon spin relaxation ($$mu$$SR) in non-Fermi liquid Ce$$_{0.2}$$La$$_{0.8}$$RhIn$$_5$$ reveals disordered spin freezing with a sharp transition at 0.16 K. The frozen moment at $$T=0$$ is estimated as $$sim$$0.13 $$mu_B$$/Ce, an order of magnitude smaller than found from thermodynamic data at higher fields and temperatures. Longitudinal-field $$mu$$SR exhibits no dynamic relaxation at any temperature, showing that the spin freezing is not accompanied by the slow spin fluctuations found in spin glasses above the glass temperature and in other disordered non-Fermi liquid systems.



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Category:Physics, Condensed Matter



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