Progress in development of collective Thomson scattering diagnostic with high power CO laser
近藤 貴; 河野 康則; 波多江 仰紀; 杉江 達夫; 林 利光; 草間 義紀
Kondoh, Takashi; Kawano, Yasunori; Hatae, Takaki; Sugie, Tatsuo; Hayashi, Toshimitsu; Kusama, Yoshinori
High power and high repetition CO laser has been developed for collective Thomson scattering (CTS) diagnostic to establish a diagnostic method of confined -particles in burning plasmas. Pulse energy of 17 J at a repetition rate of 15 Hz has been achieved in a single-mode operation. This result gives a prospect for the CTS diagnostic on International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), which requires energy of 20 J with repetition rate of 40 Hz. The laser injection test into the vacuum vessel of the JT-60U tokamak has been carried out to check the electric noise and stray signals of the receiver system using the new CO laser without plasma. As a result, electrical noise has been decreased, however, stray signal due to multimode oscillation has been observed in about 30% of the pulses and a further improvement of the laser is needed.