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Concept for assuring structural integiry for reducing ductility materials under intense neutron irradiation and other environments

鈴木 一彦; 實川 資朗

Suzuki, Kazuhiko; Jitsukawa, Shiro


A new, systematic concept of structural integrity assurance is proposed for application to components with reducing or reduced ductility materials. The current structural codes are all based on the assumption of nosignificant changes in mechanical property in service and high ductility. Intense neutron irradiation at moderate temperatures in nuclear reactors and fusion machines, for example, induces hardening, e.g., a significant change in yield strength, and then, reduction in ductility. Therefore, failure modes to be prevented are discussed, first, for components with such materials. Second, a new concept of limiting strength is proposed. Then, a systematic concept of ductile fracture prevention is proposed, by reasonably applying loading type-dependent limiting strengths.



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