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Report No.

A Sensor for detecting temperature gradient

Yoneda, Yasuhiro   

The sensor that sensitively detected the temperature change by using the domain response of ferroelectric was developed. The barium titanate was used as a ferroelectric material. The thin film was made with the barium titanate to cause a proper domain response to the temperature change and it made it to the capacitor that became a sensor. As a result, the ferroelectric thin film was obstructed a free swing of the domain by the effect of the substrate, and became possible the control of the temperature change that had to be detected. The principle of operation of this sensor is clarified by the experiment on the topography done with SPring-8, and moreover, if the temperature change is not suppressed to mK-ordar for the barium titanate of the bulk, it is understood not to obtain a static domain composition, and is confirmed the effect of making it to the thin film.



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