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Report No.

Statistical analysis for corrosion propagation process of SUS304ULC steel in boiling nitric acid solution

Yamamoto, Masahiro ; Kato, Chiaki   ; Ueno, Fumiyoshi  ; Kiuchi, Kiyoshi; Ichikawa, Shiro*

In the nuclear fuel reprocessing plant, some apparatuses were exposed in a severe corrosive environment with nitric acid solutions including the ions having high redox potential, i.e. Pu. To realize the corrosion mechanism of these phenomena, a corrosion test to use mock-up apparatus was conducted for long term operation. In this report, an extreme value statistics was applied to analyze the penetration depth of the mock-up test apparatus. Then, it was revealed that the corrosion of the apparatus was not pit like but uniform. And also, the life time for leak of the solution was longer than that of mean corrosion losses.



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