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Report No.

Spectroscopic observations of beam and source plasma light and testing Cs-deposition monitor in the large area negative ion source for LHD-NBI

Oka, Yoshihide*; Tsumori, Katsuyoshi*; Ikeda, Katsunori*; Kaneko, Osamu*; Nagaoka, Kenichi*; Osakabe, Masaki*; Takeiri, Yasuhiko*; Asano, Eiji*; Komada, Seiji*; Kondo, Tomoki*; Sato, Mamoru*; Shibuya, Masayuki*; Grisham, L. R.*; Ikeda, Yoshitaka; Hanada, Masaya; Umeda, Naotaka

In the present studies, we studied the cesium lines in the source plasma during beam shots on the LND MN-NBI system. It was found for the first time in the LHD-source 2, that both the amount of Cs I (neutral Cs) and Cs II (Cs$$^{+}$$) in the source plasma light rose sharply when beam acceleration began, and continued rising during a 10 s pulse. We think that this was because the cesium was evaporated/sputtered from the source backplate by the back-streaming positive ions.



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Category:Instruments & Instrumentation



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