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Report No.

Core dynamics analysis for reactivity insertion and loss of coolant flow tests using the high temperature engineering test reactor

Takamatsu, Kuniyoshi  ; Nakagawa, Shigeaki  ; Takeda, Tetsuaki

The reactivity insertion test simulates the rapid increase in the reactor power by withdrawing the control rod without operating the reactor power control system. In addition, the loss of coolant flow tests has been conducted to simulate the rapid decrease in the reactor power by tripping one, two or all out of three gas circulators. The experimental results have revealed the inherent safety features of HTGRs, such as the negative reactivity feedback effect. The numerical analysis code, which was named ACCORD, was developed to analyze the reactor dynamics including the flow behavior in the HTTR core. We have modified this code to use a model with four parallel channels and twenty temperature coefficients. Furthermore, we added another analytical model of the core for calculating the heat conduction between the fuel channels and the core in the case of the loss of coolant flow tests. This paper describes the effect of the model is formulated quantitatively with our proposed equation.



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