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Report No.

Neutron activation analysis of trace elements in Japanese hormesis cosmetics

Furuta, Etsuko*; Nakahara, Hiromichi*; Hatsukawa, Yuichi; Matsue, Hideaki ; Sakane, Hitoshi*

In Japan, cosmetics which declared hormesis effect are available through Internet. The existence of a daughter nuclides of Th and U series, however, were observed by measurements of the $$gamma$$ rays with a high purity Ge detector. In this study, in order to clarify the contents of trace elements, the hormesis cosmetics including radiation sources were analyzed using instrumental neutron activation analysis method (INAA), prompt $$gamma$$ activation analysis (PGAA) and neutron activation analysis with multiple $$gamma$$ ray detection (NAAMG). In the conference, we will report the results of analysis data which including heavy metallic and actinide elements. Furthermore, we will evaluate a possibility of uptake of heavy metal elements and radiation sources, and will discuss the influence of them to human body.



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Category:Chemistry, Analytical



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