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Report No.

Radiation intensity in high power liquid metal target

Kikuchi, Kenji; Dai, Y.*

Proton beam current is 20 mA in a high-power target with beam power of 30 MW and proton energy of 1.5 GeV. Liquid metals will be candidate target materials because of good heat transfer performance and irradiation damage free. Lead bismuth eutectic is thought to be a primary substance from the point of view of target performance and natural resources. In this radiation field material radiation damage is estimated to be 5 DPA (p) and 50 DPA (n) per year, including neutrons from both spallation reaction and reactor core burning processes. SINQ target irradiation program (STIP) provides useful material radiation fields up to 10 DPA due to proton and another 10DPA due to neutron. In order to describe irradiation materials damage, the particle characterization must be from points of views of its energy and a kind of particle. In addition the evaluation of He gas production, which remains in the materials after irradiation, must be done.



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