EM-ACROSS system and corresponding tensor transfer functions in diffusion field region
中島 崇裕; 國友 孝洋; 長尾 大道*; 熊澤 峰夫; 茂田 直孝
Nakajima, Takahiro; Kunitomo, Takahiro; Nagao, Hiromichi*; Kumazawa, Mineo; Shigeta, Naotaka
We have developed a new electromagnetic controlled source method for the monitoring of the electrical state in the ground. This is called EM-ACROSS (Electro Magnetic - Accurately Controlled Routinely Operated Signal System). The basic idea of the EM-ACROSS system can be used at any frequency ranges. We developed one of a system using two pair of current dipoles at Tono area, and this is designed for the survey below 500 Hz, where the electromagnetic field behaves as diffusion field. We carried out a field test using this system, and acquired extremely accurate tensor transfer function from the source to the receiver, which the distance is about 950 m. From the phase of the transfer function for a month, we can see the correlation with the rainfall.