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NMR study on Mn$$_3$$Cu$$_{1-x}$$Ge$$_x$$N with large negative thermal expansion

Kodama, Katsuaki   ; Takigawa, Masashi*; Iikubo, Satoshi; Takenaka, Koshi*; Takagi, Hidenori*; Shamoto, Shinichi  

Anti-peroveskite system Mn$$_3$$Cu$$_{1-x}$$Ge$$_x$$N exhibits a sharp volume expansion due to the magneto-volume effect at $$xsim0.15$$. With increasing $$x$$, the magneto-volume effect is broadened against temperature $$T$$, and as a result, the volume expansion becomes almost linear to $$T$$ and the system has a giant negative thermal expansion coefficient arround room temperature, at $$xsim 0.5$$. Such broadening of the magneto-volume effect may be due to the competitation between $$Gamma^{5g}$$- and $$Gamma^{4g}$$-type antiferromagnetic structures. Then we have performed $$^{14}$$N-NMR on Mn$$_3$$Cu$$_{0.6}$$Ge$$_{0.4}$$N in order to investigate the origin of the broadening of the magneto-volume effect. The experimental results show that $$Gamma^{4g}$$-type antiferromagnetic structre does not exist and $$Gamma^{5g}$$-type antiferromagnetic ordered moment continuously increases with decreasing $$T$$.



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