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Report No.

Influence of thickness of neutron imaging scintillator on spatial resolution

Yasuda, Ryo; Katagiri, Masaki; Iikura, Hiroshi  ; Sugimoto, Katsumi*; Takenaka, Nobuyuki*; Matsubayashi, Masahito  

For obtaining high resolution neutron images, it is important to improve position resolution of scintillators, which converts neutron into visible light. It is considered that thickness of scintillator film is one of significant factors for determining the position resolution. Using edge spread function method, we evaluated spatial resolution of two types of scintillator with a thinned film. One was made from LiF-ZnS:Ag (LiF-type) with 30 um in thickness, the other was B$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$-ZnS:Ag(B$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$-type) with 40 um in thickness. The resolution of conventional scintillator "NE426" above 100 um in thickness was also evaluated for comparing to that of LiF-type and B$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$-type. Spatial resolution of NE426 was measured as 150 um, and that of LiF-type and B$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$-type were below 50 um. Those results show that thinning a scintillator film is effective to improve the position resolution of scintillator.



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