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Report No.

Photo-EPR study of vacancy-type defects in irradiated ${it n}$-type 4${it H}$-SiC

Umeda, Takahide*; Morishita, Norio; Oshima, Takeshi; Ito, Hisayoshi; Isoya, Junichi*

We have performed photo-electron paramagnetic resonance (photo-EPR) analyses on four types of fundamental vacancy-related defects in 3MeV electron-irradiated 4${it H}$-SiC, i.e., carbon vacancies $$V$$$$_{rm C}$$$$^{-}$$), silicon vacancies ($$T$$$$_{V2a}$$-type $$V$$$$_{rm Si}$$$$^{-}$$), divacancies $$V$$$$_{rm Si}$$$$V$$$$_{rm C}$$$$^{0/-}$$), and carbon antisite-vacancy pairs (C$$_{rm Si}$$$$V$$$$_{rm C}$$$$^{-}$$). The photo-induced transitions from their -2 to -1 charged states or from their -1 charged to neutral states were detected in the photon energy range between 0.80 and 1.20 eV. Based on these transitions, we have discussed positions of their defect levels with respect to the conduction band edge.



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