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Report No.

Development of a single-crystal X-ray diffraction system for hydrostatic-pressure and low-temperature structural measurement and its application to the phase study of quasicrystals

Watanuki, Tetsu; Machida, Akihiko; Ikeda, Tomohiro*; Omura, Ayako*; Kaneko, Hiroshi; Aoki, Katsutoshi; Sato, Taku*; Tsai, A. P.*

We have constructed a single-crystal synchrotron X-ray diffraction system to precisely study the structure under hydrostatic pressure conditions at low temperatures and applied it to a study on the phase transition phenomena of a Cd-Yb periodic approximant and a Cd-Yb quasicrystal. Four phases were newly observed for the 1/1 approximant crystal in a $$P-T$$ span up to 5.2 GPa and down to 10 K. The innermost part of the atomic clusters of Cd$$_{4}$$ tetrahedra exhibited various orientational ordering sensitively depending on pressure and temperature. High pressure diffraction measurements using a highly parallel synchrotron X-ray beam and a hydrostatically compressed single crystal enabled us to detect the weak diffractions due to the subtle structural changes.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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