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Report No.

Catalytic oxidation of xylene in air using TiO$$_{2}$$ under electron beam irradiation

Hakoda, Teruyuki; Matsumoto, Kanae; Mizuno, Akira*; Kojima, Takuji; Hirota, Koichi

The oxidation of xylene and its irradiation byproducts in air using TiO$$_{2}$$ was studied under electron beam (EB) irradiation for the purification of ventilation gases emitted from paint factories. EB irradiation experiments were performed mainly under two different conditions: a TiO$$_{2}$$ pellet layer was placed in an irradiation or non-irradiation space. The results revealed that xylene was decomposed and CO was formed in the gas phase of the irradiation space irrespective of the presence of the TiO$$_{2}$$ pellets, while CO$$_{2}$$ was produced in the gas phase of the irradiation space and on the surface of the TiO$$_{2}$$ pellets. The total CO$$_{2}$$ concentration increased when the pellet layer was in the non-irradiation space. On the other hand, the concentration of CO$$_{2}$$ produced on the surface of the TiO$$_{2}$$ pellets in the irradiation space was higher than that in a non-irradiation space.



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Category:Engineering, Chemical



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