※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Future prospect of nuclear knowledge and information resources


米澤 稔  ; 菅原 悟

Yonezawa, Minoru; Sugawara, Satoru


It is necessary to make the most of accumulated nuclear knowledge and information resources for sustainable nuclear research and development (R&D). While importance of Nuclear Knowledge Management (NKM) has been recognized, introduced and applied in nuclear communities, there still remain some issues. The authors extract issues from the standpoint of sharing nuclear knowledge and information resources more efficiently, such as promotion of open access to R&D results, enhancement of International Nuclear Information System (INIS) and transfer of tacit knowledge. Concerning promotion of open access to R&D results, R&D results should be open as much as possible through institutional repository, INIS, etc. Promotion of INIS database and libraries network is required for better nuclear knowledge and information resources sharing. Socialization of tacit knowledge is required and externalization of tacit knowledge to become explicit knowledge is important for transfer of tacit knowledge.



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