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Report No.

Application of XFEL to the measurement of X-ray flux irradiating bio-molecules by using X-ray emission from hollow atoms produced from multiple X-ray absorption

Moribayashi, Kengo

We propose the measurement of X-ray numbers irradiating bio-molecules. This measurement is useful for the application of X-ray free electron lasers to the analysis of the cubic structure of bio-molecules. The charge numbers of atoms such as C, N, O in bio-molecules, which appear in the florescence X-ray spectroscopy from inner-shell excited states and hollow atoms, may inform us of the X-ray numbers. Furthermore, it is found that the ratio of X-ray intensity from the inner-shell excited states to that from the hollow atoms is in proportion to the X-ray numbers irradiating these atoms. This ratio also may be used for the measurement of the X-ray numbers.



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