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Report No.

Effects of aluminum on high-temperature strength of 9Cr-ODS steel

Otsuka, Satoshi   ; Kaito, Takeji ; Inoue, Masaki ; Asayama, Tai ; Kim, S.-W.; Ukai, Shigeharu*; Narita, Takeshi*; Sakasegawa, Hideo*   

This paper discusses the effects of small portion of Al contamination ($$<$$0.1wt%) on the high-temperature strength and microstructure of 9Cr-ODS steel. Increasing Al concentration is shown to provide small reduction of ultimate tensile strength as well as 0.2% proof stress at 973 K and 1073 K accompanied by reduction of elongated grains i.e. residual-$$alpha$$ ferrite acting as reinforcement phase. Addition of Al appears to increase the proportion of ferrite phase, which is contrary to general behavior in conventional steels. This unique behavior could be peculiar to the non-equilibrium materials such as mechanically-alloyed alloy. Computer simulation on phase transformation suggests that the fine oxide dispersion in the elongated ferrite could be attributable to the preferential partitioning of Ti and W in ferrite than in austenite at hot-extrusion process at 1423 K.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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