Development of three-dimensional one-way bubble tracking method for boiling flow
玉井 秀定; 冨山 明男*
Tamai, Hidesada; Tomiyama, Akio*
A three-dimensional one-way bubble tracking method is a promising numerical method for calculation of time-spatial evolution of gas-liquid interfacial configuration with use of a little computing resource. Since the method has been applied to only an adiabatic air-water bubble flow, the method is developed for the analysis of a boiling flow in this study. One-dimensional Eulerian equation of energy conservation for a continuous liquid phase and an interface heat transfer equation for dispersed bubbles are introduced. Then, radial liquid temperature distribution, wall heat transfer between a heated wall and subcooled liquid, bubble generation on a heated wall and expansion or condensation of bubbles are taken into account. The developed method is applied to the boiling flow experiment and radial void fraction distribution is compared. It is confirmed that the method can give good prediction of tendency of the void fraction distribution in the boiling flow.