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Soft X-ray magnetic circular dichroism study of Ca$$_{1-x}$$Sr$$_x$$RuO$$_3$$ across the ferromagnetic quantum phase transition

Okamoto, Jun*; Okane, Tetsuo  ; Saito, Yuji  ; Terai, Kota*; Fujimori, Shinichi   ; Muramatsu, Yasuji*; Yoshii, Kenji  ; Mamiya, Kazutoshi*; Koide, Tsuneharu*; Fujimori, Atsushi; Fang, Z.*; Takeda, Yasuo*; Takano, Mikio*

Ca$$_{1-x}$$Sr$$_x$$RuO$$_3$$, which is ferromagnetic for Sr concentration x $$>$$ 0.3, has been studied by X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) in Ru 3$$p$$ and O 1$$s$$ core-level X-ray absorption. XMCD signals appear at x $$sim$$ 0.3 and monotonically increases with x in the ferromagnetic phase. While the monotonic increase of the XMCD signals with x is of a typical Stoner-type, the absence of appreciable change in the spectral line shapes of both the Ru 3$$p$$ and O 1$$s$$ XMCD spectra indicate that the itinerant-electron ferromagnetism in Ca$$_{1-x}$$Sr$$_x$$RuO$$_3$$ is influenced by strong electron correlation.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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