※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Computational science and engineering for simulation and data processing in nuclear science and engineering


平山 俊雄; 中島 憲宏  ; 鈴木 喜雄   ; 木野 千晶; 阿久津 拓; 手島 直哉; 中島 康平

Hirayama, Toshio; Nakajima, Norihiro; Suzuki, Yoshio; Kino, Chiaki; Akutsu, Taku; Teshima, Naoya; Nakajima, Kohei


Using computational technology in nuclear science and engineering, itself is meaningful and it is a good help for theoretical research as is experimental research and development. For 2007's exhibition in the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Storage, Networking and Analysis, AEGIS as grid computing, PST as Parallel visualization, CDAS for data mining are demonstrated. For simulation tipics, FIESTA as vibrational and structural analysis, material simulation for metal rusting, and bio-informatics as BAAQ for genom data searching are revealed. As French-Japanese research collaboration hosting by JST, matric solving technique are demonstrated.



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