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Integrated on-line plant monitoring system for HTTR with neural networks


鍋島 邦彦  ; Subekti, M.*; 松石 智美*; 大野 富生*; 工藤 和彦*; 中川 繁昭  

Nabeshima, Kunihiko; Subekti, M.*; Matsuishi, Tomomi*; Ono, Tomio*; Kudo, Kazuhiko*; Nakagawa, Shigeaki


The neural networks have been utilized in on-line monitoring-system of High Temperature Engineering Tested Reactor (HTTR) with thermal power of 30 MW. In this system, several neural networks can independently model the plant dynamics with different architecture, input and output signals and learning algorithm. One of main task is real-time plant monitoring by Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) in auto-associative mode, which can model and estimate the whole plant dynamics by training normal operational data only. Other tasks are on-line reactivity prediction, reactivity and helium leak monitoring, respectively. From the on-line monitoring results at the safety demonstration tests, each neural network shows good prediction and reliable detection performances.



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