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Report No.

Direction of development of industrial use in thermal neutron radiography facility in JRR-3

Yasuda, Ryo; Iikura, Hiroshi  ; Matsubayashi, Masahito  ; Kajiwara, Kenichi*; Kagawa, Hideshi*; Kushiki, Kenichi*; Nagata, Yasuichi*

In a recent year, many researchers and engineers in industrial fields have used TNRF in JRR-3 for their experiments. Such promotion of the industrial use is attributed to program of MEXT called as trial-use and establishing a system of which visitors could easily use several facilities in JAEA. From those industrial uses, some technological developments such as improvement of spatial resolution are required in TNRF. In this report, we would state detailed information about the current situation of research fields and main course of technological developments in TNRF.



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