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Complementary use of X-ray and neutron diffraction to investigate the characteristics of solvation of a protein

黒木 良太

Kuroki, Ryota


Solvation, desolvation and hydrogen bonding are key energetic contributors to biopolymer folding, dynamics and molecular recognition. Neutron crystallography enables us to chacterize these contributors through observation of whole atom positions including hydrogens because of the strong interaction of neutrons with hydrogen atoms. It is quite difficult to distinguish the water and counter ions around the protein molecule by X-ray crystallography alone because the electron density of each atom is strongly affected by their mobility. Recently, we have succeeded in collecting both X-ray and neutron diffraction data of porcine pancreatic elastase using the same crystal. By using these data, we succeeded in determining the locations of oxygen and hydrogen positions of hydrating water effectively. The use of the same crystal for X-ray and neutron diffraction cancelled out the effect of the mobility of these atoms and enables us to identify not only water molecules but also other counter ions. We have been also developing a hydrogen and hydration database for bio-macromolecules (HHDB; http://hhdb.tokai.jaeri.go.jp) so that it can automatically categorize all hydrogen atoms, hydration water molecules, several counter ions and so on. Shortly, the HHDB will provide researchers with a much-needed resource for understanding and analyzing hydrogen-bonding interaction, solvation and interaction with counter ions.



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