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Report No.

Development of pyro-metallurgical reprocessing, 3; Sequential test for electro-refining using U-Pu alloy

Kurata, Masaki* ; Yahagi, Noboru*; Kitawaki, Shinichi ; Nakayoshi, Akira  ; Fukushima, Mineo

Sequential test for electro-refining using U-Pu alloy that was obtained by reduction of MOX pellets was performed. The test was consisted of four electrolysis using three solid cathodes and a liquid cadmium cathode. Test results shows that (1) material balance of nuclear materials were satisfactorily closed in whole process, (2) concentration of Pu and Am in uranium products were less than 1 ppm respectively, (3) U metal reacted with oxygen impurities in media as an oxygen getter.



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