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Evaluation of the decay heat limits in electrorefiners for reprocessing spent metallic fuels


小林 嗣幸

Kobayashi, Tsuguyuki


Design limits on the accumulated decay heat in the molten salt of an electrorefiner (ER) are proposed based on two dimensional steady state calculations. It was found that forced convection cooling of the outer surface of ER allows at maximum about 30 to 40% larger decay heat than that for natural circulation cooling. The validity of a steady state calculation is confirmed by comparison with a one dimensional non-steady state calculation. Estimated decay heat limits are compared with that of NaCl resulting from the bonding Na in the spent metallic fuel and the lanthanides concentration in the salt. These comparisons suggest that consideration of the decay heat is very important for the continuous usage of the salt in the ER.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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