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Report No.

SR-PES and STM observation of metastable chemisorption state of oxygen on Si(110)-16$$times$$2 surface

Yamamoto, Yoshihisa*; Togashi, Hideaki*; Kato, Atsushi*; Takahashi, Yuya*; Konno, Atsushi*; Teraoka, Yuden; Yoshigoe, Akitaka ; Asaoka, Hidehito  ; Suemitsu, Maki*

The room temperature adsorbed state of oxygen molecules on Si(110)-16$$times$$2 surface and the structural change after a mild annealing has been investigated by synchrotron radiation photoemission spectroscopy. As a result, despite the very small dosage of oxygen, Si$$^{2+}$$ and Si$$^{3+}$$ components already appear in addition to Si$$^{1+}$$. This is likely to be caused by a selective adsorption of O$$_{2}$$ molecules into the vicinity of already oxidized sites. After annealing, we found that binding energy of Si$$^{2+}$$ and Si$$^{3+}$$ increase and approach to their corresponding peak positions of a thermally-grown oxide, and this increase indicates relaxation of the Si-O bond length and Si-O-Si bond angle of metastable oxygen atoms.



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Category:Chemistry, Physical



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