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Report No.

Initial design study of a DC power supply system for JT-60SA

Shimada, Katsuhiro; Omori, Yoshikazu; Okano, Jun; Matsukawa, Tatsuya; Terakado, Tsunehisa; Kurihara, Kenichi

In JT-60SA, Toroidal Field coil (TF coil) and Poloidal Field coils (PF coils) are superconducting coils and a long-pulse plasma operation with more than 100s flattop is assumed. Corresponding to the superconducting TF and PF coils, new DC power supply system in JT-60SA is necessary. The DC power supply system is composed of the reused JT-60 power supply components and newly manufactured ones to reduce total cost. A quench protection circuit is newly introduced to fast discharge coil magnetic stored energy. This paper describes the initial design study of JT-60SA DC power supply system for TF and PF coils in Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA).



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