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Report No.

Development of the plasma movie database system for JT-60

Sueoka, Michiharu; Kawamata, Yoichi; Kurihara, Kenichi; Seki, Akiyuki   

A plasma movie is generally expected as one of the most efficient methods to know what plasma discharge has been conducted in the experiment. The JT-60 plasma movie is composed of video camera picture looking at a plasma, computer graphics (CG) picture, and magnetic probe signal as a sound channel. In order to use this movie efficiently, we have developed a new system having the following functions: (a) To store a plasma movie in the movie database system automatically combined with the plasma shape CG and the sound according to a discharge sequence. (b) To make a plasma movie is available (downloadable) for experiment data analyses at the Web-site. Especially, this system aimed at minimizing the development cost, and it tried to develop the real-time plasma shape visualization system (RVS) without any operating system (OS) customized for real-time use. As a result, this system succeeded in working under Windows XP. This report deals with the technical details of the plasma movie database system and the real-time plasma shape visualization system.



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