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Report No.

Oxygen potentials of mixed oxide fuels for fast reactors

Kato, Masato   ; Tamura, Tetsuya*; Konashi, Kenji*

Oxygen potentials of homogenous (Pu$$_{0.2}$$U$$_{0.8}$$)O$$_{2-x}$$ and (Np$$_{0.02}$$Am$$_{0.02}$$Pu$$_{0.3}$$U$$_{0.66}$$)O$$_{2-X}$$ which have been developed as a fuel of fast breeder reactors were measured at temperatures of 1473 - 1623 K by gas equilibrium technique using Ar/H$$_{2}$$/H$$_{2}$$O gas mixture. Oxygen potentials of (Pu$$_{0.2}$$U$$_{0.8}$$)O$$_{2-x}$$ measured in this work were about 25 kJ/mol lower than those of (Pu$$_{0.3}$$U$$_{0.7}$$)O$$_{2-x}$$ and were consistent with the value calculated by Besmenn and Lindemer's model. Those of (Np$$_{0.02}$$Am$$_{0.02}$$Pu$$_{0.3}$$U$$_{0.66}$$)O$$_{2-X}$$ were slightly higher than those of MOX without minor actinides.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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