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Report No.

Development of an extraction method for the determination of dissolved organic radiocarbon in seawater by accelerator mass spectrometry

Tanaka, Takayuki; Otosaka, Shigeyoshi  ; Amano, Hikaru; Togawa, Orihiko 

We developed an extraction system of carbon from dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to achieve its accurate and precision $$^{14}$$C measurement by AMS. The system was devised for reducing the blank carbon by decreasing the contamination of dead carbon mainly induced from oil products and CO$$_{2}$$ in air, and for extracting it from large volume seawater. The developed system gained lower blank than the previous studies to be less than 1% of sample size. It was demonstrated that the $$^{14}$$C value extracted from organic material by the system of lower blank was agreed with that by the conventional combusted method and the precision was very low value of $$pm$$5‰. Results indicated that the system achieved the high accuracy and precision for $$^{14}$$C. We tied to measure DO$$^{14}$$C in large volume seawater and confirmed the great extraction and good precision to be $$pm$$8‰. Results revealed that the system attained the supreme accuracy and precision for DO$$^{14}$$C in large volume seawater.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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