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Report No.

Microstructures related to the ferroelectric properties in BiFeO$$_{3}$$-BaTiO$$_{3}$$

Kitagawa, Shuji*; Horibe, Yoichi*; Yoshii, Kenji  ; Suzuki, Muneyasu*; Noguchi, Yuji*; Nishihara, Sadafumi*; Hosokoshi, Yuko*; Mori, Shigeo*

Microstructures related to the ferroelectric (FE) properties in(1-x)BiFeO$$_{3}$$-xBaTiO$$_{3}$$ were examined mainly by a transmission electron microscopy, in combination with conventional magnetic and dielectric measurements. It was found that macroscopic-sized FE domain structures in BiFeO$$_{3}$$changed into fine FE microstructures with the 20-30nm size in the x=0.25compound, as the BaTiO$$_{3}$$ concentration (x) was increased. In addition, we found characteristic tweed-like contrast due to the strain field in the x=0.33 compound at room temperature. We carefully investigated the spatial distribution of the FE microdomains in the x=0.25 compound by obtaining real-space images and determined spatial configuration of the spontaneous polarization in each FE microdomains.



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