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Report No.

Calculation of dose contributions of electron and charged heavy particles inside phantoms irradiated by monoenergetic neutron

Satoh, Daiki   ; Takahashi, Fumiaki  ; Endo, Akira   ; Omachi, Yasushi*; Miyahara, Nobuyuki*

The radiation-transport code PHITS with an event generator mode has been applied to analyze energy depositions of electron and charged heavy particles in two spherical phantoms and a voxel-based mouse phantom upon neutron irradiation. The calculations using the spherical phantoms quantitatively clarified the type and energy of charged particles which are released through interactions of neutrons with the phantom elements and contribute to the radiation dose. The relative contribution of electrons increased with increase in the size of the phantom and with decrease in the energy of the incident neutrons. Calculation with the voxel-based mouse phantom given 2.0-MeV neutron irradiation revealed that the doses to different locations inside the body are uniform, and that the energy is mainly deposited by recoil protons. The present study has demonstrated that analysis using PHITS can yield dose distributions that are accurate enough for RBE evaluation.



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