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Report No.

Construction of interfacial area concentration model for sodium-water reaction

Yoshikawa, Ryuji  ; Ohshima, Hiroyuki; Hamada, Hirotsugu  ; Kurihara, Akikazu ; Uchibori, Akihiro 

In Japan Atomic Energy Agency, thermal hydraulic studies on sodium-water reaction are being performed with the multi-component and multi-phase code SERAPHIM. The interfacial area concentration of sodium droplets in the steam is important for the accurate analysis of sodium-water reaction. In this report, the theoretical analysis and numerical models for gas jets were reviewed to understand the mixing process of sodium and water. As for theoretical analysis, existing critical flow rate, depressurization and entrainment analysis for jet flows were summarized. The applicability of critical flow rate equations for subcooled water at 17MPa were confirmed after investigating its effect of compressibility. Based on the available knowledge on entrained droplet sizes in gas jets, a transport equation of sodium droplet interfacial area concentration was constructed for multiphase flow simulation.



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