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Report No.

Lattice parameters of (U,Pu,Am,Np)O$$_{2-x}$$

Kato, Masato   ; Konashi, Kenji*

Homogeneous MOX fuel containing minor actinide elements has been developed as a fuel of an advanced fast reactor. In this work, the solid solution of (U$$_{1-z-y'-y"}$$Pu$$_{z}$$Am$$_{y'}$$Np $$_{y"}$$)O$$_{2-x}$$ (z=0-1, y'=0-0.12, y"=0-0.07) were investigated by X ray diffraction measurement, and database for the lattice parameter was updated. A model to calculate the lattice parameter was derived from the database using radii of ion composing fluorite structure. The radii of ion were estimated from the lattice parameters measured in this work. The model represented the experimental data within standard deviation of $$sigma$$=$$pm$$0.025%.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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