Current status and prespective of FBR cycle development
佐賀山 豊 ; 長沖 吉弘
Sagayama, Yutaka; Nagaoki, Yoshihiro
The Japan Atomic Energy Agency is developing the FBR Cycle that is the combination of a sodium cooled FBR (oxide fuel), an advanced aqueous reprocessing and a simplified pelletizing as "Key Technology of National Importance". From now on, the JAEA invests the development resource to a major concept intensively, and aims to put it to practical use by new project, "FaCT". With "FaCT" project, the adoption of innovative technology is going to be judged in 2010. The result of "Fact" are going to be presented in 2015 that is the systematized technologies based on R&D and the conceptual designs of demonstration facility and commercial facility. In order to start the demonstration reactor operation in 2025 by the result of "FaCT", the project is carried with international cooperation.